How It Works

GameHäus is a board game café; when you visit us, there’s a $7.50 cover that allows you to play games from our collection (reservations are $10 per person which guarantees you a table at the time of your choice).

Unlike other cafés that have a small shelf of five to ten board games like Monopoly and Jenga, the cover at GameHäus gives you access to:

  • an over fourteen hundred board game title library (list of titles here), including classics (Risk, Scrabble, Monopoly), party games (Taboo, Cranium,Werewolf, Balderdash), Euro games (Carcassonne, Settlers of Catan, 7 Wonders, Ticket to Ride, Agricola), card games (Bang!, Bohnanza, Monopoly Deal) and adventure games (Arkham Horror, Shadow Hunters, Betrayal at House on the Hill, The Resistance, Dead of Winter). New releases will be added on a regular basis.
  • unlimited play from the library — as many games as you can play (currently the table time is limited to four hours per L.A. County Health Dept. Protocols).

While you’re gaming, we invite you to try out some of the great food and drink options from our menu (with sandwiches, pizzas, daily soups, desserts and specials).

Questions? Feel free to ask one of our staff or contact us.

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